Dmitry Pashkevich
Internet citizen
Passionate about web apps
Love great user experience
Engineer at Lucid Software
Coding Standards
Gotta have coding standards!
Agree upon
Refer to
- Agree and document in one place
- Place we can refer to
- Maintain
Avoid some errors
Less thinking
Easier to read
Why have CS?
Less time spent thinking about how things should be written (at a low level!)
Easier to read and modify code that you’re not familiar with
(newcomers, people switching teams, yourself in several months/years)
Language conventions (HTML, CSS, JS, Scala, SQL...)
Filesystem layout
Version control workflow
The reality
Conventions are hard to follow
Conventions are hard to follow
We forget
Own habits
Existing code
Too much work
We forget, hard to memorize (coding standards can be dozens of pages long - ex. isobar)
We have our own habits
Existing code can give a bad example
Too much work! (e.g. require alphabetizing CSS properties)
Every guideline should cost less to implement than the benefit it brings
Every guideline should cost less to implement than the benefit it brings
So what do we do?
Not follow a guideline
Bring down its cost
Tools to the rescue!
- Tools help bring down the cost
- But you have to use them efficiently!!!
JSHint: Bare CLI not very useful
- Manually running a command in the terminal is not nearly as helpful or efficient as getting real-time feedback in your editor.
Tools rule #1
Run automatically, get feedback early
- code quality tool must run automatically,
don't have to remember to run it
- Real-time feedback early on will let you catch errors before you make more of them
- // jshint as a good example
- these concepts should be applied to each tool you try to use
Too much feedback?
Tools rule #2
"asi" : true, // suppress warnings about semicolons
"curly" : true, // always put curly braces around blocks
"eqeqeq" : false, // allow non-strict comparisons
"latedef" : true, // prohibits using a variable before definition
"eqnull" : true, // alllow == null
"newcap" : true, // capitalize constructor names
"camelcase": true, // enforce camelCase or UPPER_CASE
"expr" : true, // suppress warning "Expected an assignment..."
"gcl" : true, // compat with Google Closure Linter
"immed" : false, // don't be bothered by IIF syntax
"sub" : true, // don't complain about [] vs dot notation
"unused" : "vars", // warn about unused variables
"maxlen" : 120, // maximum length of a line
"maxerr" : 1000
- filter out the noise (stuff we don't care about)
- adapt to our agreed upon coding styles
- try to express as much of the convention as possible through config
Still an excuse: `there will always be exceptions!`
Make exceptions
- There will always be exceptions
- You don't have to see the same warnings again and again
- With this, reaching 0 linter warnings becomes possible!
Tools rule #3
Shared configuration!
- Check `.jshintrc` into your repo(s) so that everybody is on the same page
- keep up to date
- have changes propagate to everyone automatically, no announcements
Whitespace consistency
# top-most EditorConfig file
root = true
# defaults for all files
charset = utf-8
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
end_of_line = lf
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
- A spec to help enforce whitespace consistency across the team
- Cool thing: you don't have to worry about whitespace settings yourself, even when you copy-paste code
Handling whitespace changes
git diff -w
git blame -w
git merge -Xignore-space-change
git rebase --ignore-space-change
Keep commits clean
Put whitespace changes on a separate commit
git configuration
- Part of vcs workflow conventions: git config
- gitattributes `* text=auto` (end-of-line normalization)
- Common config: saves everybody time
- Branching model: teams go extra mile
Armed with tools, now what?
- Go berserk and try to change the entire code base at once?
Adoption strategy
Write NEW code properly
Refactor the parts you work on
Preserve localized standards
- No excuse not to write new code properly!
- Rules can be overridden for subprojects
Code reviews: Speak up if it smells!
Code reviews: speak up if you see a "code smell", don't be shy
Enforcing standards: pseudocode
while(!codingStandards.followed) {
reason = programmer.whyNot();
if(reason.isAcceptable) {
} else {
General rule
Make code readable and clear it's written by one person
Leave the code better than it was
Action items
Install necessary linters
Install .editorconfig plugin
Check in linter configs (branch: dotfiles
Write compliant code